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Working with Neo4J REST API

I have several questions?

How can i query the node by its property? I see only to query by node id.

And how can I get, for example all friends and unconfirmed friends of the node? At the moment I can do that only by querying the all relationships of the node, and iterate over it by checking the property of each relationship.

My idea as the following: a node has parameter - id (userID), relationship has properties - directions - FROM_ME or TO_ME, status - CONFIRMED, UNCONFIRMED. All the quries are performed in REST API in Java.

How can I do that in the simple way like in SQL, f.e., SELECT friends WHERE friend_id = 1?

References to some tutorials with the solutions and techniques of such questions qould be appreciated


  1. To answer your first question, you can use indexes to quickly find nodes by a property on the node. Docs for REST here:

    For the second question, Cypher query language makes it easy to perform these types of queries. Here is an example that gets all users that are connected to a given user via a FRIEND relationship where the "status" property of the relationship is "confirmed":

    START user=node(123)
    MATCH user-[r:FRIEND]-friend
    WHERE r.status="confirmed"
    RETURN friend

    You can also add constraints on the direction of the relationship and chain multiple relationships together in a path to find friends-of-friends, etc.

    Here are the Cypher docs:

    Here are the docs on making Cypher queries via the REST API:


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