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PHP: Merge/delete arrays with same subkeys

I'm writing a database class for my site based on a fluent interface. First, I collect all the meaningful terms then put them into the "stack", which is basically an array. Then, I sort them in order that they would appear in an actual SQL query.

const stmt_select = 1;

const stmt_insert = 2;

const stmt_delete = 3;

const sql_select = 10;

const sql_from = 11;

const sql_into = 12;

const sql_where = 13;

const sql_join = 14;

const sql_group = 15;

const sql_order = 16;

const sql_limit = 17;

For example, the query below (although in a total rubbish order, and purposely trying to throw the class off):

Query::Select('name', 'age', 'height')






.. produces:



[0] => Array


[0] => 10

[1] => Array


[0] => name

[1] => age

[2] => height



[1] => Array


[0] => 11

[1] => asd


[2] => Array


[0] => 11

[1] => table


[3] => Array


[0] => 15

[1] => a


[4] => Array


[0] => 15

[1] => a



The problem I have is that some array members I want to merge together (for example multiple ->Selects()/->Where() clauses) and some array members I want to delete entirely if there are multiple instances because it isn't possible for there to be more than one (for example ->Limit(), ->Order()), however I'm not entirely sure what the easiest way to do this is.

I was thinking something along the lines of a function I could call for each subkey;



Not sure how to write these without a massive performance hit per query.

Regards, kvanberendonck


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