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One Tomcat instance for two domains and two webapps

How can I configure Tomcat (in standalone mode, that is without Apache [*]) so that I can deploy it on one server and have it serve two different webapps, depending on the domain name requested?

I found a blog entry describing such a setup, but it's for Tomcat 5.5:

<Engine defaultHost="" name="Catalina">

<Host name="" appBase="/home/user1/domain1">


<Context path="" docBase="."/>


<Host name="" appBase="/home/user1/domain2">


<Context path="" docBase="."/>


Also, as of now I've got one webapp, ROOT.war, inside .../tomcat/webapps/

How would that work once I'd have two "roots", one root webapp for and one root webapp for Where would the .war needs to be located?


  1. The blog that you linked to basically shows how to do it. The one thing that you need to differently is to set the 'docBase' attribute differently for each host. The docBase is the location of war files for that host. With different docBases, you can have different root apps.


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