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""CCLayer" may not respond to … ”

Playing with cocos2d and this seems to come up in some instances of message passing. I have to admit, I'm not well versed in Objective-C yet as I'm reading through the book as I write some code.

For people familiar with cocos2d, you have a CCLayer class. In my case, I have a GameLayer which has some children layers, like so:

@interface GameLayer : CCLayer {

CCSprite *_background;

CCPanZoomController *_controller;

CCLayer *_truckLayer;


I then have a special initWithLayers method to add my child layers within this layer:

-(id)initWithLayers:(TruckLayer *)truck


if( (self=[super init])) {

self.truckLayer = truck;



Now if I ever send a message to self.truckLayer I get the following warning in Xcode:

'CCLayer' may not respond to 'getNextAvailableSpot'

An example might be doing something like so:

CGPoint nextSpot = [self.truckLayer getNextAvailbleSpot];

All this code compiles and runs successfully, so I'm curious as to what I am missing here? I don't want my code literred with these if I'm doing something wrong here.


  1. It's because your declare *_truckLayer as CCLayer, but on your init you assign (TruckLayer *)truck to your CCLayer* _truckLayer. So CCLayer doesn't know about getNextAvailableSpot method, so the compiler gives you warning.

    The code runs fine because _truckLayer is a pointing to correct TruckLayer, which knows about getNextAvailableSpot.

    Simply change your declaration and the warning will be gone.

    @interface GameLayer : CCLayer
    CCSprite *_background;
    CCPanZoomController *_controller;
    CCLayer *_truckLayer;


    @class TruckLayer;
    @interface GameLayer : CCLayer
    CCSprite *_background;
    CCPanZoomController *_controller;
    TruckLayer *_truckLayer;

  2. Just as the warning says: the compiler can't guarantee that CCLayer has a method to handle the getNextAvailableSpot message. Unless you've somehow added in such a method dynamically, or have some other (very good) reason to believe that this method is present, this is probably a problem.


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