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jquery tabbed trade click for mouse over

I'm using some one else's plugin and I see that it has configurations available, ie. 'tabs:true'(see below). When I look at the plugin file it's just one long line that includes some of these settings separated by pipes '|' like,

|scrollspeed|scrolleasing|panelfxfirst|panelbtnshover|verticalslide| <- What are these called so I can google how to use them?

I've tried adding panelbtnshover=true, and there was no hover effect. My guess is need to read the two jquery books I bought some more.

<script type="text/javascript">

$(window).load(function(){ //$(window).load() must be used instead of $(document).ready() because of Webkit compatibility

// Tabs > Standard











Here is a link to the sliderkit plugin: jquery.sliderkit.1.9.1.pack.js Here it is in action: enter link description here


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