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JQuery code not working

I am trying to find a cell in a table that has a class of 'empty', i am then using a bit of code to find the id(cell number) so i can the find out what cells are next too it.

just too see if it works, i am trying:


but Firebug just returns 'undefined'

each cell has the class of 'box' and only one has empty as well so 'box empty'.

Any asssitance would be much appreciated.


  1. Probably the DOM isn't ready. Put the code inside the on DOM ready event:



    Based on the Markup you wrote, the selector you need is attribute selector not class:

    <td id="B" class="leftbox" name="empty" ondragover="allowDrop(event)"
    ondrop="drop(event,"> </td>


  2. $('.empty') return an array of dom element, so you must use a loop (for, each...) to analyse results

    $('.empty').each(function() {
    console.log( $(this).attr('id') );

    If you are sure there is only one element, you can use :

    console.log( $('.empty:first').attr('id') );


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