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iPhone Distribution certificate not reachable in Xcode 4

Without my iPhone Distribution Certificate set within XCode 4 (on Release and Release-> Any iOS SDK) I get Code Sign Errors when I attempting to upload with Organizer/Application Loader (this is an update to an existing app).

I have the distribution certificate in the keychain but I'm not able to bring it up (or enter it manually, tried name, serial number and user-id) within XCode.

I have attempted deleting and re-installing the certificate, restarting Xcode and the system but I'm not able to correct this.

I have also manually deleted the provisioning links within the .pbxproj file and cleaned but I'm not able to get this to work.

Anyone know how to bring up the distribution certificate within Xcode 4?


  1. Check the name of your bundle identifier in XCode. Make sure it's same as your certificate identifier name. If it's same as your Distribution certificate identifier name you'll be able to select the certificate easily.


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