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IOS Development downloading app before making it public

Hello i want to know if i can download my app before making it public some how after apple's approval process. I've already submitted my app (it's an update) and now i'm waiting for review. Is there anyway testing it before making it public?

Before uploading it i've checked making it public whenever i want to. So it won't be public unless i say so.


  1. As long as your app is not published, it's not in the App Store, and therefore you cannot download it (from App Store).

    The typical way to do this is archive the exact same configuration (i.e. release) with an AdHoc certificate and install it. It will work exactly as if you had downloaded it from App Store.

    You can either install the ipa with iTunes, or if you want to give the app to other testers to test, use Over-The-Air, see


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