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How to replace the string values stored with in a variable in objective c

I got an xml in output for the webservices.I have the result in the variable and i stored the result in that variable.Now i want to replace the strings in that variable.How to replace the strings in that variable. For ex:

//SDZZmaterialGroupList* result = (SDZZmaterialGroupList*)value;

in that result variable i stored the result is:
































<Text>Material Group 01</Text>






Now i want to replace the tags with empty value so that i can display the values(numbers) only in the iphone? Let me help out of this problem?


  1. Your best bet is to create an NSXMLParserDelegate and extract the numbers that way.

  2. If your using webservies, soap itself parse the Xml and store the value automatically.

    You have to just create the object of that specific class. and access the values through that object.

    See Following Example:

    SDZZmaterialGroupList* result = (SDZZmaterialGroupList*)value; or result.item

    check that "SDZZmaterialGroupList.h" class for its result.value


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