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How do I convert into a string like "foo bar baz"?

Basically I want to be able to grab the ending of an url, and convert it into a string to be used somewhere.

Currently I'm doing this (which is less than optimal):

// grab the path, replace all the forward slashes with spaces

local_path = location.pathname.toString().replace(/\//g,' ');

// strip empty spaces from beginning / end of string


But I think there is probably a better way. Help?

Edit: Could I confidently get rid of the .toString method there?


  1. You could do something like this if you want to avoid regular expressions:

    location.pathname.substring(1).split('/').join(' ')

    That will get rid of the initial slash, but won't take care of a trailing slash. If you need to deal with those, you can omit substring and use trim for modern implementations or a regex:

    location.pathname.split('/').join(' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')

  2. What's wrong with what you have? Looks fine to me. That is the easiest way to handle what you want to do.

  3. You could use the regex provided by Douglas Crockford on and then split the path at the forward-slash.


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