I have a class admin_model
with the private method admin_form()
There are a number of other public functions that call this method.
Is there a way to get the name of the function that called admin_form()
from INSIDE admin_form()
I could easily add an argument when calling admin_form()
$this -> admin_form(__FUNCTION__);
then inside admin_form($caller)
I have the caller. It will be $caller
But i was hoping there was a way to do this WITHOUT passing arguments.
Any Ideas??
Cheers, Alex
You can do this with debug_backtrace():
class admin_model {
public function foo() {
public function bar() {
private function admin_form() {
// Get the current call stack
$stack = debug_backtrace();
// Remove this call (admin_form()) from the stack
// The calling method is now on the top of the stack
$lastCall = array_shift($stack);
$callingMethod = $lastCall['function'];
echo "admin_form() called by method: $callingMethod\n";
$model = new admin_model();
admin_form() called by method: foo
admin_form() called by method: bar
But, as others have pointed out, this is bad practice and you should rethink your design.
No matter,
ReplyDeleteFor my requirement this functionality is useful rather that 'bad coding'.
Anyway the answer is:
$e = new Exception();
$trace = $e -> getTrace();
$caller = $trace[1]["function"];
This will get the function name of the caller.