I don't know if it is a common problem, but this strange problem is giving me some headache... I'm having an strange behavior, my application has a lot of dialogs, and when user opens one, the dialog should show default content. The problem is that I clear all bean's properties before show the dialog, but sometimes it appears that the form isn't cleared!! For example, this is one of the dialogs that are having this problem:
This image show how the dialog appears the first time I open it, all fields are cleared and the second radio is selected. If I change the radio selection and enter something in the input field, the datatable immediately shows the data accordingly with the search. So, if I click in "Cancelar" (cancel in portuguese), this dialog is closed, like expected.
Then I open this dialog again and:
The fields store the last edition user made. I thought I wasn't clearing the bean, but if I just press F5 (refresh) the dialog is shown like in the first image. I don't know why, but some fields aren't updated!!
My dialogs are created using this template:
<hrgi:popup id="#{idPopup}" titulo="#{titulo}" renderizar="#{popup.visivel}"
bordaConteudo="#{bordaConteudo eq null?true:bordaConteudo}">
<f:facet name="cabecalho">
<ui:insert name="cabecalho"></ui:insert>
<f:facet name="conteudo">
<h:panelGroup id="#{idPopup}Conteudo" layout="block" style="width:100%">
<ui:insert name="conteudo">Nenhum conteúdo definido!</ui:insert>
<f:facet name="botoes">
<h:panelGroup style="width:100%">
<h:panelGrid id="#{idPopup}PainelMensagens" style="width:100%">
<ui:insert name="barraDeBotoes">
<h:panelGroup layout="block" style="width:100%">
<p:commandButton value="CANCELAR" styleClass="hrgi-botao-popup"
immediate="true" update="@form"
<p:commandButton value="OK" styleClass="hrgi-botao-popup"
action="#{controladorPopup.submit}" update="@form alerta #{atualizar}">
<f:param name="REQUIRED" value="true"/>
is my own dialog component...
Could someone explain me why it is happening??
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