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Extending an abstract class [closed]

The following code for RectangleNode extends an abstract class called GraphElement, this is needed for my program to draw rectangles where necessary. My question is regarding the abstract method in GraphElement.

Rectangle Node:

import java.awt.Graphics2D;

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.awt.Color;

public class RectangleNode extends GraphElement


private double width = 20;

private double length = 40;

private Rectangle2D.Double rect;

public RectangleNode(int x, int y)



rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(getXPos(), getYPos(), length, width);


public RectangleNode()



rect = null;


public boolean isSelected(double x, double y)


return super(x,y);


public void draw(Graphics2D g2)


if (rect != null)




Graph Element:

import java.awt.Graphics2D;

abstract public class GraphElement


private double xPos;

private double yPos;

protected String label;

public GraphElement()


xPos = 0;

yPos = 0;


public GraphElement(double x, double y)


xPos = x;

yPos = y;


public final double getXPos()


return xPos;


public final double getYPos()


return yPos;


public void moveTo (double xLoc, double yLoc)


xPos = xLoc;

yPos = yLoc;


public String toString()


String str = "(X,Y) Position: (" + xPos + "," + yPos + ")\n";

return str;


abstract void draw(Graphics2D g2);

abstract boolean isSelected(double x, double y);

boolean applyLabel()


return true;


public String getLabel()


return label;


public void setLabel(String label)


this.label = label;



How do i deal with the abstract isSelected method in RectangleNode? isSelected() returns true or false depending on if the mouseclick was on a rectangle thats already printed.



  1. I assume that you are getting x,y point of mouse pointer as parameters to isSelected() method. You have your current width, breadth of rectangle and x,y coordinate of one of its corner. So given this data you can figure it out whether given mouse pointer is inside the rectangle or not.

  2. Is the (x, y) of GraphElement maybe the center of the element? And is the (x, y) for the RectangleNode the corner?

    For isSelected the parameters would better be named mouseX and mouseY. And they should reside inside the rectangle to yield true.


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