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Developing and selling web apps listed on apple web apps and equivalents such as android, windows etc [closed]

Do i need to pay a developer's fee of 99$ per annum if i want to list my web app on the apple web app store, or any other place for that matter (android etc.)?

Can i ask user to come and pay for new features on my site through this web app? will I be breaching some archaic policy by doing that?

This web app is complete on its own but user might want to have extra features which come at a price of course!

Which merchant is the best for my basic needs. paypal comes to mind but is it my only option?

this is my hobby. I have a separate day time job which does not involve software development. what do i need to do as far as paying taxes (if any) is concerned. am i liable to pay taxes?

I do not want to create my own company etc. just because im developing this web app.

By the way, if you intend to reply on tax-related questions, please understand I reside in England.


  1. Since you're doing a web app I believe that you can get listed in the Apple Web App listings by just being a safari developer, which is free. Im not sure that android has such a place or Windows Mobile either which means your going to have to do a lot of the marketing of your web app yourself.

    In this case, you are not going to be bound by any of the "Laws" that govern the App Store, Android, or Windows Marketplace. You can charge whatever you want to "featured" functionality and nobody will scoff.

    As far as your taxes are concerned. You should talk to an accountant about any income that comes from the app as well as having to charge any sort of sales tax.

    Hope this answers your questions. Good luck with your app.


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