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Android: How do I stop Runnable?

I tried this way:

private Runnable changeColor = new Runnable() {

private boolean killMe=false;

public void run() {

//some work

if(!killMe) color_changer.postDelayed(changeColor, 150);


public void kill(){




but I can't access kill() method!


  1. Instead implement your own thread.kill() machanism, using existing API provided by the SDK. Manage your thread creation within a threadpool, and use Future.cancel() to kill the running thread:

    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    Runnable longRunningTask = new Runnable();

    // submit task to threadpool:
    Future longRunningTaskFurure = threadPoolExecutor.submit(longRunningTask);

    ... ...
    // At some point in the future, if you want to kill the task:
    ... ...

    Cancel method will behaviour differently based on your task running state, check the API for more details.

  2. changeColor is declared as Runnable, which does not have a kill() method.

    You need to create your own interface that extends Runnable and adds a (public) kill() method.


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