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Why isn"t spring using my constructor to init this bean (Map parameter)

I have a spring beans configuration file where I define the following jackson classes as spring beans.

For some reason on run-time the filterProvider bean is instantiated without the map argument.

You can see from the docs that the SimpleFilterProvider does have such a constructor and that SimpleBeanPropertyFilter implements BeanPropertyFilter .

<bean id="productAttributesAndAdvertiserNameFilter" class="" factory-method="filterOutAllExcept">

<constructor-arg value="name"/>


<bean id="offerIdFilter" class="" factory-method="filterOutAllExcept">

<constructor-arg value="id"/>


<bean id="filterProvider" class="">


<util:map value-type="">

<entry key="onlyNameFilter" value-ref="productAttributesAndAdvertiserNameFilter" />

<entry key="onlyIdFilter" value-ref="offerIdFilter" />




Any help would be appreciated.


  1. Looks like you've found a bug in SimpleFilterProvider.

    I just downloaded the latest sources (1.9.4) and the constructors are defined as such:

    public SimpleFilterProvider() {
    _filtersById = new HashMap<String,BeanPropertyFilter>();

    * @param mapping Mapping from id to filter; used as is, no copy is made.
    public SimpleFilterProvider(Map<String,BeanPropertyFilter> mapping) {
    _filtersById = new HashMap<String,BeanPropertyFilter>();

    The constructor which takes the mapping ignores it... (i.e. javadoc is incorrect)

  2. I think <util:map> is misplaced here. I'd make it a separate bean, outside of the filter provider declaration, and refer to it. OR I'd change that to a <map> without the util namespace.

  3. I don't see why it is not working.

    At worst, you can create your own class by extending the SimpleFilterProvider and declare this bean in your Spring context...


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