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Why doesn't JQuery consolidate its constants?

All my constants are near the top of my javascript file like below.

When I search the core JQuery file, nothing comes up for Constant and I can't see that they are pulling out constants? Do they not have any, do they have them spread out throught the code, if so, why don't they consolidate them?

I'm not concerned about the language construct const but the concept of pulling out your constants into one place like below.

var Arc = ( function ( window, undefined )


var Constant =



* Code Configuration





* Paths Configuration


ROOT: '',

PICTURES: '../pictures/',

TEXT: '../text/',

FAVICON: '../images/logo_small.ico',

IMAGES: '../images/',

GATEWAY: 'class.ControlEntry.php',


* General Constants



SECOND: 1000,


HOUR: 3600,

DAY: 43200,



"PASS": 0,

"FAIL": 1,






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