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Trouble using PEAR"s Mail_Queue

I'm trying to implement PEAR's Mail_Queue package to queue some emails for a web application. I've used the documentation at to write a small test script.

My problem is that the database is not being updated, and it's not producing errors.


// mail_queue db options

$db_options['type'] = 'mdb2';

$db_options['dsn'] = DSN;

$db_options['mail_table'] = 'mail_queue';

// mail_queue sending options

$mail_options['driver'] = 'smtp';

$mail_options['host'] = '';

$mail_options['port'] = 25;

$mail_options['localhost'] = $host;

$mail_options['auth'] = true;

$mail_options['user'] = MAILUSER;

$mail_options['pass'] = MAILPASS;

require "Queue.php";

$mail_queue =& new Mail_Queue($db_options,$mail_options);

$from = '';

$to = '';

$message = 'This is a test';

$headers = array('From' => $from,

'To' => $to,

'Subject' => 'Someone has sent you an email!');

$mime =& new Mail_mime();


$body = $mime->get();

$headers = $mime->headers($headers,true);

print $mail_queue->put($from,$to,$headers,$body);

This produces the error Mail Queue Error: Cannot connect to database . However I checked all of the connection information and it's correct. Also, adding if (PEAR::isError($mail)) die($mail->getMessage()); produces no errors!


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