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Reload page out of iframe

I'm using Fancybox and Zend. Hope the following is clear.

On I have jQuery UI Tabs. They are reachable directly via anchors. E.g.

On #tabs-2 I have some elements, doesn't matter what it is exactly. You can create or edit them. This elements got a own controller, so for editing them you call /elements/edit/id/44. Currently, I'm doing that in a Layer with Fancybox. I'm using the Iframe functionality of Fancybox for that.

So, if you are on /template/edit and you click on the edit button of an element, a layer opens which includes an iframe which loads /elements/edit.

So, if you change the element now and click on save, i want the layer to automatically close and reload.

Fancybox provides an option to specify what it should do when it gets closed. At the moment i got it like that:

'onClosed' : function() {window.location.reload();}

This actually reloads the top window and not the iframe. Also, there's a possibility to close Fancybox via JS. I'm doing that by setting a View Variable which triggers this, e.g:

<?php if($this->close): ?>

<script type="text/javascript">



<?php endif ?>

So, if the saving was successfully I set $this->view->close = true and the layer gets clsoed which triggers my JS.

This works fine. My Problem now is to do the reloading with having #tabs-2 in my url.

Of course i could get the urls, clean it up from other anchors the user my typed in etc. and build my url which i set to the window's location, but somehow i think, there must be an easier solution.

E.g. setting the url of the browser to #tabs-2 without reloading, but this also sounds not very nice. The reloading is easy but having the anchor there is quite tricky.


  1. window.location.href = "#tabs-2"


    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.location.href = "#tabs-2" //Add the anchor, won't stack. Will replace existing anchor
    window.location.reload() //Refresh the screen, maintain anchor


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