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MVC 3: Communicating between partial view and view via JavaScript

I have a page that lists users (List.vbhtml), and each user has an 'Edit' link. The edit link makes an Ajax request:

@Ajax.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", "Player", New With {.id = currentItem.PlayerId}, New AjaxOptions() with { .UpdateTargetId="edit"})

The Edit method in my controller returns a partial view (_Edit) which contains a form. After the form has been submitted, I want to hide the edit form (not a problem), and then reload the list of users. This is what I am struggling with.

How do I let the parent view (List.vbhtml) know I should reload the list (which would be done using a Ajax Get request)?

I can't do this from the Edit partial view, because the Edit partial view shouldn't know about the List view, only the other way around (List view knows about the partial view).

My current solution is to raise a custom event when the edit is complete in _Edit.vbhtml, and capture it in List.vbhtml:



//when player edit is complete, reload the player list

$(document).bind('PersonEditComplete', function () {





  1. You can use jQuery .ajaxComplete() event handler. You have to check if the XHR method is GET or POST. Get will be after loading user edit form, POST would be after subbmiting it.

    So if ajaxComplete fires after POST call then you should refresh users list via Ajax.


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