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Limiting download speeds with PHP

I have this code here, however i want to limit the speed the user can download at, how would i implement this into this code;

header("Content-type: application/force-download");

header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary");

header("Content-length: ".filesize("uploads/$filename"));

header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$origname");



This is what i tried;

$download_rate = 100;

$origname = get_file_name($file[0]);

header("Content-type: application/force-download");

header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary");

header("Content-length: ".filesize("uploads/$filename"));

header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\'$origname'");

$local_file = "uploads/$origname";

// flush content flush();

// open file stream

$file = fopen($local_file, "r");

while (!feof($file)) {

// send the current file part to the browser

print fread($file, round($download_rate * 1024));

// flush the content to the browser


// sleep one second



// close file stream


Why doesn't this work?


  1. Hope this helps

  2. If you've tried what @mugur suggested then there might be an issue somewhere else. For example in your snippet it seems you've got a missing escaped quotation mark:

    header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$origname");

    I guess it should be:

    header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$origname\"");

  3. In your while fread, just calculate bytes and timestamps. Then add a tiny pause using usleep.


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