I'm interested in making a whole page slider like in http://littlemonsters.com/ for example. I've looked around at their code and am trying to figure out
-how they did this whole page slide (which I guess is just a very big slider), and also
-how although the individual 'pages' are stacked on top of each other (like a normal page), when they slide, they are sliding left and right (part of the whole slider problem I guess)
It seems that for many slider plugins, they somehow horizontalize list items (whereas when I do sliders by hand I make a really really long wide list with like width 9999px and have an overflow hidden viewing window--this is probably not the best way). here's some js I found on the above site that I think holds the key but I can't understand too well/incomplete.
step = (id) ->
width = $(window).width()
dir = 1
dir = -1 if id < curId
curId = id
left: -1 * dir * width
, 500, "swing", ->
$(this).css "left", 0
$(this).removeClass "boxDisplay"
next = $(".box:eq(" + (id - 1) + ")")
next.addClass "boxDisplay"
next.css "left", dir * width
left: 0
, 500, "swing"
animate = ->
i = 0
left: -50
, 10).animate(
left: 0
, 50).animate(
left: 50
, 10).animate(
left: 0
, 50).animate(
left: -25
, 10).animate(
left: 0
, 50).animate(
left: 25
, 10).animate(
left: 0
, 50).animate
left: 0
, 800
boxPosition = ->
height = $(".boxDisplay").height()
$(".box").css "margin-top", ($(window).height() / 2) - (height / 2)
$(document).ready ->
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