I am getting value from a text field. I have one if and several else if statement.
The problem the last else if doesn't execute even if the condition is true.
If I change the last else if to if it executes and gives alert. When i change that back to else if the statement doesn't execute. The else if before that is fine as it's firing/executing on a particular condition.
function Valcheck()
var txtVal = document.getElementById("sometextField").value;
if(txtVal =="%")
alert("% is only allowed with other characters.");
else if(txtVal.indexOf("%") != -1)
if((txtVal.indexOf('%')) != (txtVal.length-1))
alert(" % is only allowed at the end.");
else if(txtVal.indexOf(",") != -1)
alert("Comma or comma separated values are not allowed.");
else if(( txtVal.length >0) && (txtVal.indexOf("%") == -1))
alert("Please enter % at the end of the value.");
else if( txtVal.length > 11 )
alert(" Value can't be greater than 11 characters.");
Please help. Thanks
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