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Is it possible to delay HTTP Response in PHP?

I use JAVA to generate a POST Request to a PHP page( For ex: I want to get the RESPONSE message after 30s. If it's possible, please give me the solution. Much appreciated for any help


  1. At the top of your PHP script:



    // Do stuff here

  2. sleep(30) //wait 30 seconds

    Just make sure you have your max_execution_time set to a high enough value in your php.ini, otherwise the script will exit before it's complete

  3. You can use sleep() to achieve what you are asking.

    Be aware that using hard coded delays like you are suggesting will most likely lead to poor design.

    If you are waiting for something to happen on the client side I suggest using ajax to issue a notification.

  4. In your java app

    try {
    Thread.sleep(30000L); // 30s
    catch (Exception e) {}


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