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In javascript "If mobile phone"

I was thinking of doing something with the jQuery.browser but this only returns which browser you're in and if its a webkit etc etc.

So i basically want to turn off certain js files from even loading if you're on a mobile device?

I assume you can do it but how?


  1. You could use screen dimensions, that way you load your small UI for small screens:

    if ($(window).width() < 480 || $(window).height() < 480) {
    //small screen, load other JS files
    $.getScript('/js/script.js', function () {
    //the script has been added to the DOM, you can now use it's code

    Docs for $.getScript():

  2. Test the screen resolution of the device when you get to $(document).ready or window.onload and then proceed accordingly.

  3. The problem with mobile devices vs. traditional browsers is that... well, what's the difference?

    There are desktops out there with slower connections than your cell phone. There are cell phones with higher resolutions with desktops. And then, of course, the reverse is also true.

    Ideally, you should consider making your site in such a way that it works well on both. While in practice, this is often difficult, I think these days that you'll find your efforts worth it. Your users will love you for it too.

    If you still feel the need to attempt this... especially in JavaScript... see this post: Mobile detection using Javascript


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