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How to send a Javascript variable to server side?

I must add items to an existing code, but I do not know all the patterns established. I need to retrieve a value from a numeric field in javascript, store it in a JSP tag variable and submit it to a Java method. I know javascript is client side and the server-side Java.

This is a numeric field "ZONE" whose value must be recovered for a loop

The added code is input "ZONE", the Action buton "ADD_ELEMENT_LISTE_OUVERTE_1" and the variable and loop "zone".

thanks !

JSP-side code:


<div class="left">

nombre de colonnes <input type="number" id="zone" name="zone" class="text" maxlength="25" valeur="" />


<div class="right">

<%controller.getContext().getInteger(ListeOuverteContributionDetailController.ZONE) =%>

<script type="text/javascript">

function getZoneJS() {

var zone=(parseInt(document.form.elements["zone"].value));

if (zone != null ){

return zone;




<popo:action name="ADD_ELEMENT_LISTE_OUVERTE_1" text="Ajouter les colonnes" />


<popo:listpanel dtcid="<%=ListeOuverteContributionDetailController.DTC_ELEMENTS_LISTE_OUVERTE%>" readonly="false">

<popo:grid cols="2" colwidth="200px,*">


<popo:field name="VALEUR"/>

<popo:action name="DELETE_ELEMENT_LISTE_OUVERTE" text="<%=controller.getTextSupprimer()%>" style="icon"/>




<div class="left">

<popo:action name="ADD_ELEMENT_LISTE_OUVERTE" text="Ajouter un élément"/>


<div class="left">

<%--<popo:link address="<%=AddressItems.IMPORT_LISTE_OUVERTE_ADDRESS.getAddress()%>" fields="CHAMP_ID" objects="<%="FOR_ID," + controller.getChampKey(champId)+","+controller.DTC_ELEMENTS_LISTE_OUVERTE%>" style="button">Importer</popo:link>--%>

<popo:action name="IMPORT_LISTE_OUVERTE" text="Importer"/>


<div class="left">

<popo:action name="EXPORT_LISTE_OUVERTE" text="Exporter" />


<div class="clear"></div>

<div class="buttonbar">

<div class="left">

<popo:link address="<%=AddressItems.SECTION_CONTRIBUTION_DETAIL_ADDRESS.getAddress()%>" fields="SEC_ID" objects="FOR_ID" params="<%="MODE=" + DetailController.MODE_EDIT%>" style="button" confirm="<%=Constantes.MSG_CONFIRM_QUITTER_ECRAN_CREATION_MAJ%>">Abandonner</popo:link>


<div class="right">

<popo:action name="SAVE_MODIFICATIONS_LISTE_OUVERTE" text="Enregistrer" isdefaultaction="true"/>




Java method that will retrieve the ZONE variable to loop

public class ListeOuverteContributionDetailController extends AbstractContributionController {


* Liste des éléments de la liste ouverte.



public static final String SI_AJOUT_ELEMENT = "SI_AJOUT_ELEMENT";

public static final String ZONE = "ZONE";

public Message executeAddElementListeOuverte1() throws KUserException, KSystemException {

final DtCollection<ElementListeOuverte> elementsListeOuverte = getContext().<ElementListeOuverte>getDtCollectionInput(DTC_ELEMENTS_LISTE_OUVERTE).validate();

// la valeur zone qui doit être récupérée de la JSP

final int zone = Integer.parseInt(getContext().getString(ZONE));

for (int i = 1; i <= zone; i++) {

// On ajoute un élément à la liste des éléments stockée dans le contexte en le flagant "Nouveau"

final ElementListeOuverte elementListeOuverte = new ElementListeOuverte();

final ChampContribution champ = getContext().<ChampContribution>getDtObjectInput(getChampKey(getContext().getLong(CHAMP_ID))).validate();





getContext().put(SI_AJOUT_ELEMENT, true);


return refresh();




  1. Set it as the value of a hidden input field which is enclosed in the form you'd like to submit.

    As I have no idea what those <popo:xxx> tags represent/generate, they seem to be part of a custom tag library, I can't give a suitable answer. But it should basically end up to look like this:

    <form ...>
    <input type="hidden" id="foo" name="foo" />

    which you can set as follows by JS:

    document.getElementById("foo").value = yourNewValue;

    it'll be available as a request parameter in the server side the usual way once the form is submitted:

    String foo = request.getParameter("foo");


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