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Error while working with List<? extends DefaultMutableTreeNodel>

public void findClassNodesMatching(String lowerCaseSearchText, List<? extends DefaultMutableTreeNode> foundNodes) {

findClassNodesMatching(lowerCaseSearchText, (DefaultMutableTreeNode) getRoot(), foundNodes);


private void findClassNodesMatching(String lowerCaseSearchText, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, List<? extends DefaultMutableTreeNode> foundNodes) {

String nodeLabel = node.toString().toLowerCase();

if (nodeLabel.indexOf(lowerCaseSearchText) >= 0) {




Why does this code give an error

The method add(capture#2-of ? extends DefaultMutableTreeNode) in the type List is not applicable for the arguments (DefaultMutableTreeNode)

The error is at the line of foundNodes.add(node);


  1. You can add to a list where you only know the type as a List<? extends Something> constraint. Imagine you could:

    List<Banana> bananas = new ArrayList<Banana>();
    // This is fine, right?
    List<? extends Fruit> fruit = bananas;

    // We don't want to be able to add an apple to a list of bananas!
    fruit.add(new Apple());

    // ... as otherwise this is no longer safe
    Banana bananas = bananas.get(0);

    It's exactly the same thing in your case - imagine you passed in some List<SomeVerySpecificKindOfNode>; you shouldn't be able to add any DefaultMutableTreeNode to that.

    It's not clear what your context is, but just changing your code to use List<DefaultMutableTreeNode> in both places may well be enough to fix it. It depends on the callers.


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