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Packet Tracer 5.1 for Windows with Cisco Official tutorials

Cisco has very recently launched the new version of Packet Tracer 5.1. I have uploaded the software with tutorials for the users who are preparing of Cisco exams or improving their network design concepts
Packet Tracer 5.1 Version
Packet Tracer 5 Version
Download 25MB (without tutorials)
Download 100MB(with tutorials and labs)
Packet Tracer 5.1 is the latest version of Cisco Networking Academy’s comprehensive networking technology teaching and learning software. Innovative features of Packet Tracer 5.1, including powerful simulation, visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities, will help to solve problems, and learn concepts in an engaging and dynamic social environment.

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Packet Tracer supplements classroom equipment and provides students complementary learning opportunities that are not physically possible to create in the classroom or lab. Packet Tracer 5.1 offers a unique combination of realistic simulation and visualization experiences.
PT 5.1 supports the following protocols:
HTTP, Telnet, SSH, TFTP, DHCP, and DNS
TCP and UDP; IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, and ICMPv6
RIP, EIGRP, multi-area OSPF, static routing, and route redistribution
Ethernet/802.3, 802.11, HDLC, Frame Relay, and PPP
ARP, CDP, STP, RSTP, 802.1q, VTP, DTP, and PAgP


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