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This blog deals with the complete module answers of CCNA Exploration and CCNA Discovery . It is helping students to get better results in the module test.
But if you find the same answers for all the Module anywhere in the internet.And if you have an Answers are correct 100% or if you find an answer, What is wrong in this blog. please send me. (Post in blog or Send Email )
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Why is this Javascript much *slower* than its jQuery equivalent?

I have a HTML list of about 500 items and a "filter" box above it. I started by using jQuery to filter the list when I typed a letter (timing code added later): $('#filter').keyup( function() { var jqStart = (new Date).getTime(); var search = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); var $list = $('ul.ablist > li'); $list.each( function() { if ( $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) === -1 ) $(this).hide(); else $(this).show(); } ); console.log('Time: ' + ((new Date).getTime() - jqStart)); } ); However, there was a couple of seconds delay after typing each letter (particularly the first letter). So I thought it may be slightly quicker if I used plain Javascript (I read recently that jQuery's each function is particularly slow). Here's my JS equivalent: document.getElementById('filter').addEventListener( 'keyup', function () { var jsStart = (new Date).getTime()...