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Why does mp4 video plays fine on iPad, not on iPhone?

I'm quite stumped on this issue. I have a large library of H.264 mp4 video files that I need to have play on iOS. Originally, I was targeting only iPad, but requirements have changed and now I need to include iPhone. But I've noticed that my iPod Touch, which has exactly the same OS version and build id as my iPad, won't play the same files that I've been successfully using on the iPad. I've confirmed this with a colleague who also has an iPhone and iPad with the same version & build. I've also seen the exact same behavior in the iPad simulator, but until now I figured it was a quirk of the simulator. Now I'm not so sure.

Edge Detection of Image in iPhone Using Image Magick

I want to convert RGB image into Below Image. I am using ImageMagick Library . I want help to know that by which functions i can convert in Original Image into Image-2. Here is below two images. I would like to use Only ImageMagick Library. I would like to do Image Processing simillar to this Link in Objective C.

Custom UITableViewCell redraw issues

I have a custom UITableView cell that I've added a textbox to for editing, that shows and hides based on the edit mode. I've also tried adding a vertical line that shows when editing, and it does that, but I'm running into some drawing issues. I just added a green checkmark rightView to start working on input validation feedback, and I'm seeing similar issues.