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What are the alternatives to MVC architecture for web development?

I have searched around for alternatives just to see what is available, but I can hardly find anything.

I've read in many articles that web MVC is never true MVC for some reasons too technical for me to really grasp. And it is sometimes suggested to look for something else, but what are the something elses, what are the other architecture types? Where can i read more about it? Can someone provide more details about what is available out there?

By the way, I already read about the 3 tiers architectures, which in my opinion is pretty similar, unless proven otherwise.

What else is there?

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. An (already a bit older) blog post from Larry Garfield is the best ressource I know about this topic:

  2. Sorry, don't have any easy to digest comparisons. But there is for example the Model-View-Presenter pattern which has superseded MVC, and is actually closer to what most PHP frameworks practically do.

    Articles like assume that PHP itself is the best model for webapps, and patterns instead of templates don't add enough benefits.

    Besides PAC, there is also Model-View-ViewModel (which is currently a hot topic in C# but not in PHP) and and Model-Delegate which expand upon MVC. But they might not be as useful for generic webapps either.

  3. We are using a different approach in Agile Toolkit which consists of more diverse set of components. In short - you have one application class. Application decides on page class based on routing rules. Page would use several view objects for initialization and rendering.

    Page links views with Models through generic controller. Standard set of templates (html) exist, but can be also customized.

    Structure is looking like this:

    standard api -> custom page -> standard views -> custom model.

    Custom page is referred as UI logic and defines how your web app looks. Model is based on enhanced ORM objects and defines how your web app works. Separation of the two and taking HTML and JS out of equation improves development speed and flexibility severely.

    Here is link with more detailed description:

    I am not so sure how to clarify this structure, but who cares anyway - it's awesome and developers love it for simplicity and consistency.


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