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Showing posts with the label firebug

Programmatically stop Javascript execution in FireFox/FireBug

I am currently debugging complex Javascript/AJAX code written with mootools with FireBug. I am looking for a way to stop the JS execution as if it was a breakpoint programmatically. Ex: instructions ... degugger.breakpoint(); // the execution stops here as if a breakpoint was // manually set other instructions ... any idea? Source: Tips4all

Is there a way to tell which javascript file holds an event handler?

This problem has bothered me for a while and Im sure theres some sort of technicality which stops this from being possible, but is there a way to find which Javascript file is linked to a button? So when I press a submit button and it triggers a Javascript event, I need to find the code which is being triggered rather than trawling through every link in the head of the html trying to find "jQuery('submitBtn').click(..." Im using Firebug and sometimes Chrome's console.