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Showing posts with the label facebook-connect

php file_get_contents return always FALSE on request

Since some weeks the facebook connection to my application doesn't work. My dialog url is this one : $dialogUrl = "".$my_facebook_app_id."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($my_return_url)."&state=".$my_state."&scope=read_stream,offline_access,publish_stream"; Connection dialog accept my connection and return to $my_return_url with ?state=XXX&code=YYY When I call the file_get_contents() method on this url with $code corresponding to the code in query string : $tokenurl = "".$my_facebook_app_id."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($my_return_url)."&client_secret=".$facebook_app_secret."&code=".$code; I have always a FALSE result ! A few month ago it was returning the access_token, but now it always return false on my website. Note than if I load the $tokenUrl in a navigator