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Showing posts with the label edittext

Android UTF-8 edittext not displayed

I want to display some UTF-8 characters (upside down) in my edittext: ʇxǝʇ ǝɯos This works for the all characters, except the e . The e can't be displayed in the edittext. Is there a reason why it can't be displayed? the "e" is of type LATIN_EXTENDED_B, can't android display those characters ? Thanks!

Edittext in Listview with wrong input onresume

I have a a listview with each row having a text field and edittext field. I have them all fight on screen. When I resume the activity by either getting a call, going back etc the input in the edittext fields does not match up with what was originally enter into. I was wondering how I could setup onresume or a saved instant state to prevent that and insure that the correct input is in the correct edittext field. This is the code I'm working with. public class editview extends ListActivity { private dbadapter mydbhelper; private PopupWindow pw; public static int editCount; public static ListView listView; public ItemAdapter adapter; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mydbhelper = new dbadapter(this);; View footer = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.footer_layout, null); ListView