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Showing posts with the label .net-2.0

Jquery ajax functions stopped working

Ive been working on some jquery within a a page. Now all of a sudden the post functions seem to have stopped working? function deleteRow(OrderNo, LineNo) { alert(OrderNo + ";" + LineNo); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Ajax.aspx/DeleteRow", data: '{' + 'OrderNo:"' + OrderNo + '",' + 'LineNo:"' + LineNo + '"' + '}', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { //$("#item").val(msg); var data = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); if (!data.error) { $('#' + LineNo).remove(); } else { alert("Error" + " " + data.error); } }, error: function (msg) { alert('Failure: ' + msg); } }); }