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Showing posts with the label qtip-2.0

Qtip2. Dynamically show tooltip

Start to use qtip2 in my site. I think it is best jquery tooltip. But have one problem. The page has 5 tooltips. $('.cloud').each(function() { var content = $($(this).children('.bubble')); $(this).qtip({ content: content, show: { ready: true }, hide: { fixed: true}, position: { adjust: { x: 5 }, my: 'top center', at: 'bottom center' }, style: { tip: { width: 15, height: 8 }, width: '120' } }); }); I need to show them dynamically. One after one. When you hover over tooltip - stop animation. After losing focus - resume animation. Maybe you have a good solution. I tried to find it. But nothing like this didn't find. If you have a time and solution - please help me...