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Showing posts with the label httpresponse

Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse

I am currently trying to send some data from and Android application to a php server (both are controlled by me). There is alot of data collected on a form in the app, this is written to the database. This all works. In my main code, firstly I create a JSONObject (I have cut it down here for this example): JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); j.put("engineer", "me"); j.put("date", "today"); j.put("fuel", "full"); j.put("car", "mine"); j.put("distance", "miles"); Next I pass the object over for sending, and receive the response: String url = ""; HttpResponse re = HTTPPoster.doPost(url, j); String temp = EntityUtils.toString(re.getEntity()); if (temp.compareTo("SUCCESS")==0) { Toast.makeText(this, "Sending complete!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } The HTTPPoster class: public static HttpResponse doPost(String url, JSO