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Showing posts with the label knockoutjs

KnockoutJS calling methods with context in bindings

Here I have an example code: <div data-bind="foreach: someData1"> <a href="#" data-bind="click: myFunction"></a> </div> <div data-bind="foreach: someData2"> <a href="#" data-bind="click: myFunction"></a> </div> How inside myFuncion code to know when it's called: when foreaching someData or someData2?

How to get the elements bound to a model in Knockoutjs

I want to add a product, find the node an let it flash products = observableArray([]); new_product = new Product(); products.push(new_product); $("tr", new_product.elements).flash(); I tried using afterAdd but it flashed each time I added something. I need to flash only with one of my adding function. The other functions which add should not flash the element. NOTE: flash is a custom JQuery function