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Showing posts with the label associative

Format MySQL Select into Associative Array in CakePHP

I like how CakePHP automatically loops through the results of MySQL queries and formats them in a nice map for you. Here's a sample query that I'm using: # Inside some model return $this->query(" SELECT, SUM( IF( HOUR(Log.event_one) > 3, 1, 0 ) ) as EventOne FROM profiles Profile JOIN logs Log ON = Profile.log_id WHERE = {$pUserId} "); CakePHP would return a map like the following as the result: array 0 array 'Profile' array 'id' => 23 '0' array 'EventOne' => 108 1 array 'Profile' array 'id' => 23 '0' array 'EventOne' => 42 2 ... What I'm trying to do is have the result be something like this: array 'Profile' array 'id' => 23 'Events' # ^ I want to be ab