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Google map signed api key errors in Android

When I switched from my debug map key to my signed map key my maps stop working. I get the following errors in logcat:

09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): IOException processing: 26
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): Server returned: 3
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): at
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): at$MapTileRequest.readResponseData(
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): at
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): at
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): at$
09-03 18:18:04.112: WARN/System.err(4073): at

I've double checked everything, permissions and library are in place. I've recreated the singed key and no luck.

Any ideas?

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. I had the same problem and I figured there wasn't any helpful answer around on the internet so hoping this should help everyone in the future.

    When using GoogleMaps for Android, you need two keys - debug and release.

    The "debug" key is kind of a misleading term. This key is also to be used when you develop the app in Eclipse. So essentially, use the debug key for development, testing, debugging.

    When you're ready to launch the app to Market, set the android:debuggable="false" in the AndroidManifest.xml and use the Signed API key.

    When using the signed API key, the MapView will show up ONLY when the app is installed from the Android Market. So, installing the app from Eclipse (Run As, Debug As, etc) or command line (adb install) won't show the MapView. Rest assured, once the app is in the Market - you download it and the MapView will show up.

    With the signed API key, if you deploy the app from Eclise, you will get a "Server returned 3, IOProcessing Exception 26" as a warning - just ignore it.

    Note: Also ensure there are no duplicate instances of the same MapView. If your app needs "x" no. of MapViews, generate "x" no. of new signed keys (one for each MapView) since GoogleMaps has a query limit for a single MapView instance.

    For getting both the keys, follow the steps for Obtaining API keys for GoogleMaps on Android.

    Happy Coding!

  2. I just encountered exactly the same problem.

    There is no user-written code that throws the Exception: it is generated in the Eclipse logcat and the result is that you do not see any of the Google map tiles. Like Jen, I regenerated the key, to no avail.

    The platform is Android 3.2, the device is the Asus Transformer, the connection is WiFi.

    FYI my Android 2.2 application works fine, retrieving the map on a Droid over 3G.

    Here is the solution to my problem, hope it helps Jen:

    In my case, if I install the release version onto the Transformer using the "Debug as" Eclipse icon, with the Transformer USB-tethered, the map is failing as described above (FYI this is a procedure I have used successfully many times with Android 2.2 and other devices).

    So I tried this instead: I use the Eclipse File|Export... option to create a release APK, and then install that APK onto the Transformer using its Asus Sync application. Everything is fine. The map tiles appear.

  3. Signed map key is used for release app. So you will get such info. if you debug the app via USB-tethered with signed map key. Switch back to debug map key if you want to debug the app, and replace it with signed map key before you release an update or new version.

  4. Finally Its fixed.

    I am using Windows machine, so I simply went to C:\Users\rohit\.android and deleted debug.keystore and default.keyset1 once this is done, I went to Eclipse and applied a clean build to my project and its done!

  5. I had the same problem. In my case, what I was doing wrong was this. I was writing the keytool command like this:

    keytool -list -keystore debug.keystore ...

    instead of:

    keytool -list -keystore ~\.android\debug.keystore ...

    So I wasn't updating the Eclipse's keystore with my fingerprint.

    I hope this helps someone :)

  6. I have same question but I think I found the answer!

    Decide follow these step and receive your certificate's MD5 fingerprint
    While development, if map's not showed, don't worried about this! Simple extract APK use android tools with key tool which's used in first step and use this APK file to install on your phone, you will see MapView

    Anyway, while development time, maybe you don't see MapView, but it's till not problem and don't worried about this! Simple wait when finished app & build with your keystore and you will see map display correctly


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