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Best practices for Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) with MVC in PHP

Is there any best practice for PRG pattern with MVC?

In this tutorial:

the proposed solution requires 4 actions:

Create_Item (POST) => "resets" the form and redirects to Display_Item

Display_Item (GET) => shows the form (with temp data and errors if exists)

Store_Item (POST) => try to save data to DB, if errors, save errors and redirect to Display_Item, if success redirect to Display_Stored

Display_Stored (GET) => shows the item created or a success message, tec.

Now, I think that to have the first action with POST is a problem, because we can't start the form with a link. Using GET in Create_Item seems a better option.

And also, we can do the same with 3 actions (using the same action for Create_Item and Display_Item, but with an extra flag for reseting the form, for example:

And also we can do the same with just 2 actions, because we can use an if inside Create_Item for checking if the request is GET or POST (so we are combining Display_Item with Store_Item).

And also we can do the same with just 1 action, because we can have an extra flag (in the URL query or in a session) for showing the results instead of the form:

GET => shows a new form and redirects to the next URL

GET => shows a form with temp data and errors if exists

POST => save errors in temp, or data in DB (and set a session flag for success) and redirects to above URL or next URL

GET => if $_SESSION['success'] show results

Personally I like the idea of having 4 actions, but I don't have any real advantage over the others options. But I don't feel secure choosing my design without a real criteria.

Does somebody know the PROS and CONS of each design (if any)?

For example, I see the 4 actions cleaner, but if we want to change how the temp data is saved, we need to change it in 4 places.


Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. The pattern is to GET a blank form, modify the contents of the form, then POST that to the server, which then sends a redirect to another page which is a GET, perhaps to a page saying Form submitted successfully.. (Get->)Post->Redirect->Get

    The first action is not really POST. That's the end result of completing a form and submitting it. The guide is more about what to do after that POST, as if you do not do a redirect, then the user is left on a page saying Form submitted successfully where they could just hit F5 and do another POST. With that redirect however, they're on that results page via a safe GET which will not result in a double post.

    As for the implementation, you should have each be its own action on the server side. This is inline with the MVC / RESTful implementation.

    GET /url?action=new -> Call new_form() method to render a new form
    POST /url?action=create -> Call create_form() method to save and redirect to /url?action=show&id=1234
    GET /url?action=show&id=1234 -> Call show_form() method to display the result
    POST /url?action=save&id=1234 -> Call save_form() method to save and redirect

    You could use 3 actions here instead if you wanted to have the 2nd action call save. Most REST/CRUD conventions use the 4, but the choice is yours. The benefits are the same as going the REST/MVC route in the first place.

    See these resources as well:

    RESTful web services
    This covers typical conventions for RESTful controllers. It covers rails, but still applies to PHP as well if you're wanting to go the REST route.


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