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Lightweight CMS in PHP

I am building a site which will require some very limited content management for a client. There are only a few areas of the site which will require the client to be able to update the content themselves.

Would it be better to create a very simple custom admin page for the client to log in and say add a news story etc or would it be best using a fully fledged CMS like Drupal etc which seems overkill to me.

Source: Tips4all


  1. I recommend you to use a proved ready CMS instead of reinventing the wheel. Drupal at its core is a Lightweight, extremely extensible and popular enough to go!

    Also Remote CMS might match your situation, I recommend you to take a look at PageLime, it looks very easy & promissing.

  2. If you've got what it takes then I advise you to have a go at creating a simple admin for maintaining the content.

    This way you'll have full control and flexibility without trying to tame a kitchen sink CMS to do simple tricks for you.

  3. TextPattern CMS is also a good, super-lightweight option! I've used it before and have been pretty happy with the results...easy setup, small memory footprint, etc.

  4. I've had very good experiences with Frog CMS, though chances are depending on what you're wanting it will only deal with user authorisation/authentication for you. But it's about as light as they come (that I've seen, which, given the multitude of CMSes out there, may not be much at all).

    Also see this similar question. (Of those, Textpattern is definitely another good one, but may also be too barebones for you.)

  5. Take a look at Pixie CMS, never used it myself but my boss has, he enjoyed using it.

  6. I've had a great experience with Apostrophe CMS. It's based on adding a set of plugins to an existing Symfony application, tweaking a few settings, and then saying "I want this part of the page to be managed". Comes complete with roles/permissions ability, and being Symfony, the ability to integrate it into an existing site or extend as you wish.

    Very user friendly - log in on the page you want to change, click "Edit" alongside the proposed change, make your change, click "Save", done :-)

  7. I like Silverstripe for it is effective and simple, plus it's built on top of a good OOP framework.

  8. Checkout ExponentCMS. I've used it for a handful of sites and I must say it's VERY easy to setup and theme.

  9. As mentioned previously I'd suggest having a look at ModX.

    Out of the box, the backend management has a built in permissions system. It's very simple to build a site and then allow registered users access to one small part they need to update.

  10. Take a look at CushyCMS - you just mark up your files and there's no more configuration as the CMS runs elsewhere. It's very basic but might be just what you need.


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