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Is Hibernate an overkill for an Android application?

I'm looking for a good ORM for my android application and at first glance it seems like for a mobile device I would prefer to use something simpler maybe. The thing is I'm just assuming here with no real evidence, so I thought I would ask the community's opinion (maybe there's is someone that has been through the experience). It is a fairly large(for mobile) application and will be run on a dedicated tablet.

What does everyone else think ? Is Hibernate too much for an android application ? Will there be performance problems ?

What would you use instead if you think it is too much ?

I am aware there are other questions asking for alternatives, but I decided to ask since most of those questions simply assumed it was an overkill and asked for other options and I started wondering "Is it really and overkill ? Why ?" Due to my lack of experience I simply think it it, but can't really provide an answer if I'm asked to explain why. Is it performance ? Is it too much configuration (Which I don't mind) ?


Source: Tips4all


  1. Just for posterity, I'd like to recommend ORMLite. It was designed to be much less heavy compared to Hibernate (and iBatis). I think that Hibernate is too much for Android applications -- especially considering the size of the code and the number of dependencies.

    The Android port of ORMLite makes direct calls to the Android database API. A number of applications have been delivered using ORMLite successfully. Hibernate provides a number of features that cannot be supported by the Android database calls so you will be paying for complexity that you cannot even use. I'm also not sure it has a native Android backend. Using SQLite over JDBC is not officially supported by Android and I was unable to get it to work reliably.

  2. Yes it is & others have searched for alternatives.

    Read here:

    portable lightweight java orm framework for android
    Any Good ORM tools for Android development?
    Light weight alternative to Hibernate?

    Pick yours. :-)

  3. There are quite a few questions similar to yours already. Start with:

    ORM on android SQLite and database scheme
    Any Good ORM tools for Android development?
    Light weight alternative to Hibernate?
    Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)?
    Higher level database layer for Android?
    Android object handling / persistence

    though some of those questions might be outdated by now.


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