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iPhone Compiler Fails: No architectures to compile for

Hey guys, I'm trying to implement this in my iPhone app: . I figured I'd first try to run the sample they provide. I'm attempting to open and compile the project located in /Source/examples/CPTestApp-iPhone/ . It says my base SDK was missing right off of the bat, so I edited the Project settings and the Active Target to use the iOS4 SDK, which I've done before for samples and had work. I'm not sure what to do. I'm running one of the newest Unibody Macbooks, with 10.6.4.

Here is my full error:

// - start - //

Check dependencies

[BEROR]No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=i386, VALID_ARCHS=armv6 armv7).

// - end - //



  • Josh


  1. Try this:

    Project Build Settings:

    Architectures: Standard (armv6 armv7)
    Base SDK: Latest iOS Build Active
    Architectures Only: Checked Valid
    Architectures: armv6 armv7

    Delete any sub settings in the Architecture build setting.

    Target Build Settings:

    Same at project settings.

    Add the SystemConfiguration.framework to your project. - Not sure why this had any impact.

    Clean all targets.
    Build for the simulator.

    The long explanation for this can be found on our blog:

  2. I also went to the Build settings for the target(s) that failed and added "i386" to the valid architectures

  3. Adding i386 to the Valid Architectures list worked for me!

  4. You have selected as active architecture "active arch=i386 (your Mac)" but the project compiles for " VALID_ARCHS=armv6 armv7 (iPhone Device)", try setting the right arch in the project settings, so it is built for iPhone as it should be.

  5. For me it was that I had to add i386 to the VALID_ARCHS list. Odd, but it fixed my problem for simulator builds.

    See this post.

  6. This project appears to pre-date iOS 4, so you need to open up the .xcodeproj file for the Core Plot library itself, too. It probably also has a broken reference to an old iOS Base SDK and may need the architectures updated.

  7. This happens all the time with old projects migrated to SDK 3.2/4.0. You have to open the target settings and change everything to SDK 4.0 or 3.2. You can still have the target OS be 3.0 if you want that. If it still says "missing SDK" you neglected to change one of those settings to 4.0 or 3.2.


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