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Code Sign error: The identity "iPhone Developer" doesn"t match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain

Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain


  1. This happens if you forgot to change your build settings to Simulator. Unless you want to build to a device, in which case you should see the other answers.

  2. I 'tripped' across my solution after 2 days...XCODE 4.0

    I've just upgraded to XCode 4.0 and this code signing issue has been a stunning frustrastion. And I've been doing this for over a year various if you are having problems, you are not alone.

    I have recertified, reprovisioned, drag and dropped, manually edit the project file, deleted PROVISIIONING paths, stopped/started XCODE, stopped started keychain, checked spelling, checked bundle ID's, check my birth certificate, the phase of the moon, and taught my dog morse code...none of it worked!!!!

    --bottom line---
    1. Goto Targets...Build Settings tab
    2. Go to the Code Signing identity block
    - Check Debug AND Distribution have the same code signing information my case "IPhone Distribution:, dont let DEBUG be blank or not filled in.

    If the Debug mode was not the same, it failed the Distribution mode as well...go figure. Hope that helps someone...

  3. Check if you are building for device instead of simulator. Go to Xcode menu 'Project' -> 'Set Active SDK' change from 'Device' to 'Simulator'

    Under Xcode 4.1
    Check your build settings for the project and your targets. For each check under 'Code Signing' check 'Code Signing Identity' and change over to 'Don't Code Sign'

  4. This usually happens to me when I forget to change the company to match mine.

    Select the target under Groups & Files
    Click the Get Info button
    Choose the Properties tab
    Under Identifier, make sure it says com.YOURREALCOMPANYNAME.APPNAME

    When you create a new app, it usually says, "com.yourcompany". Change it to whatever you registered with, in my case com.DavidKanarek

  5. I had the same problem. I'm very new to iphone development and it was my first time trying to load my program onto my iphone. The message is correct, you need to create a certificate in the keychain. The best walkthrough is here:

    You of course need to have a developer account (need to have paid the $100 yearly fee).

    I hope this helps.

  6. In XCode 4.0 main workspace, at the top left side & just after the "Stop Button", there is scheme selector, click on it and change your scheme to IPhone Simulator. That's it

  7. if you are just using the simulator and just upgraded then this solved the issue for me:
    go to menu->project-edit project setting.
    find code signing section (you can type 'code' in the quick search)
    in the code signing identity select 'any sdk' and set the value to 'Don't Code Sign'

  8. When I had this problem, the issue was I did not have the private key necessary for the developer certificate to be valid.

    The solution was:

    Have the developer who created the certificate export their private
    key matching the iOS developer public key. see
    Open this file (Certificates.p12) on your machine (with KeyChain),
    and enter the password the other developer used when exporting. It
    is now imported into your KeyChain.
    Now connect iOS device and rebuild targeting the iOS device.


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