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ImageView showing up in debug mode, but not in run mode

My case is a little special.... I'm trying to get an image via tcp and make it show into my device screen.

Please, don't ask me to do it with another kind of way to get the image, since this is the only way i can do it, and that's not my issue.

What happens is that when i'm debuging step-by-step my program, the image shows up into my screen. But when i run it without debuging, it doesn't show up.

This is my main.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""









android:text="Hello World, MyActivity"








and this is my

public class MyActivity extends Activity


/** Called when the activity is first created. */


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) // Aquesta funcio es crida al començar, pero tambe cada vegada que es gira la pantalla.






public void onStart(){


TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;

try {

Socket s = new Socket("ip-here", port-here);

DataInputStream ins = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());

int bytesRead = 0;

byte[] bSize = new byte[10];

while(bytesRead < 10){

bytesRead +=, 0, 10 - bytesRead);


String sSize = new String(bSize);

Integer size = Integer.valueOf(sSize);

byte[] pic = new byte[size];

bytesRead = 0;

while(bytesRead < size){

bytesRead +=, 0, size - bytesRead);


Bitmap bitmapimage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(pic, 0, bytesRead);

ImageView image = (ImageView) findViewById(;


tv.setText(sSize + " -> #" + size + "# -> #" + bytesRead + "#");

} catch (IOException e) {


tv.setText("error de IO");




Additional information: The TCP server sends a 10-char string containing the size of the image (in base 10). And then the whole image in jpg format.

As you can see, i put a Textbox to tell me what's happening, and it's ok. Even when i run it, it says he got the whole image, but it just doesn't show up...

Am i missing something? maybe i shouldn't put this code in the onStart() method?

Thank you, Víctor


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