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As a page, can I tell if I"ve been loaded into an iframe using javascript?

I'm loading a page into an iframe. Both pages are on the same domain. I want the page being loaded to do specific js functionality only if it has been loaded into an iframe. Is this possible?

Bonus: can it be done in jQuery?



  1. or just:

    var isEmbed = window != window.parent;

  2. You could use iframe's onload event:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function load()
    alert("Iframe is loaded");

    <iframe onload="load()" src="/page.html">

  3. You can check if you are in an iframe using this snippet:

    var isInIframe = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? true : false;

    based on that you can continue with your javascript code.

  4. Probably the simplest method:

    if ( self !== top ) {
    // you're in an iframe

    So, you check if the current window is the topmost window...


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