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Android Activity Transition in an ActivityGroup

UPDATE: Please Ignore this question. I uncommented the top

if (window != null) {



} by accident. Removed that and it's fine.

Trying to delete question

I am trying to animate between Activities within an Activity Group, inside a tab activity

I know the purists will tell me I shouldn't use multiple activities and should be using a View Flipper, but I didn't start the project and don't have the option to completely re-implement the solution.

Back to my point. Client wants an Activity to "Slide Up Like the iPhone". So I started on the slide up animation. Animation works, but the problem is, after I run the following method in the ActivityGroup, the new activity is non responsive. If I click on a different tab and come back, anything I pressed will have fired. For instance, if I click on a SeekBar on the newly animated activity, it wont move, but if I click on another tab and come back, the SeekBar will be undated, but still unresponsive to any touch.

public void startChildActivity(String Id, Intent intent,

AnimationType animationType) {

Window window = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity(Id,


if (window != null) {




final View view = window != null ? window.getDecorView() : null;

if (view != null) {

Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, android.R.anim.slideup);






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