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client side design using struts, jsp, html, css, java script, tiles, dojo, json, jquery etc [closed]

I need some help to design one front end system (client side ) for my new project.

As per my project lead I should be using struts, jsp, html, css, java script, tiles, dojo, json, jquery etc..

The requirement is number of GUI pages like interactive graph, menu, etc..

The data will be fetched by back end code ( i am not worried much but ejb , jpa may be used).

So my question is how should I progress on to this ? Can you please suggest any good design like which technology should be used where...

Many Thanks


  1. Please for the love of all code do not mix so many frameworks in one project!

    dojo or jquery, not both. jsp or struts, noth both. And please stay as far away as possible from struts! Unless you like to write four super-verbose and error-prone lines every time you want simple if (this) else (that);

    Jsp is kind of not well suited for front-end development work due to its allowing of Java in what should be a templating langauge, so choose for example apache velocity for the templates.

    Better yet, go with Java Play, then you have everything but not too much.

    Dont like html+javascript+css at all? Go with GWT - pure Java where you write Java widgets do to anything you like.

    Without knowing your requirements we cant give better answers... except that your project lead is way behind the times and mixing in struts is a recipe for disaster.

  2. The answer depends on your needs, do you need a graph heavy system or one that is more based on displaying data in tables and managing it?

    There are several ready made libraries for you to use:

    if jsp is your orientation, you should consider using

    JSF + (Richfaces3.3 \ RichFaces4) + jquery


    JSF with jquery alone (some examples).

    if you can rely on HTML5 you can use JSF with javaScript (example1 example2).

    I personally prefer a Richfaces based solution in most cases (if possible).

    if you can use other than jsf
    I would also consider google charts , for .Net telerik, for php google charts wrapper

    Hope this helps.

  3. You want to build a Web Site based on J2EE Technologies and
    I See that your primary requirements to have interactive graph on your pages .

    As to have interactive graph on the screens , i suggest you to look into Google Visualization , High Charts .

    Not so easy but you can give a try .


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