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How do I contest an iPhone app store review?

I have an application in the app store. I have submitted 3 updates to the app. 2 of those 3 updates have been rejected based on something that has not changed at all since the original submission. I recognize that they have a different person each time review my application. However, the net effect is: How do I effectively contest a review? I have replied to the review response email each time and never once received a response. If I didn't have customers who expect bugfixes and updates, I'd just resubmit as-is and expect a different reviewer. Is there any phone number, or other way to actually talk to a human about this? The most recent rejection was based on "Infringing on Apple's trademarks" which was ludicrous. Source: Tips4all

iPhone - when is dealloc for a viewcontroller called?

I am using UINavigationController to move between views. When I move back and forth in views, the memory used by my app keeps on increasing. On placing NSLog statements in the dealloc method of all viewcontrollers, I noticed it was being called for only some viewcontrollers and not all that were popped. For instance, this is the sequence in which views are pushed MainViewController -> viewcontroller1 -> viewcontroller2 -> viewcontroller3 Now in viewcontroller3 if I do a popToViewController:mainController, dealloc is called only for viewcontroller3. It is not called for viewcontroller1 and 2. Can someone please tell me why this is happening. Found the problem. The dealloc method was not being called if any of the references held by a viewcontroller were still in memory. In my case it was the MPMoviePlayerController object which was not released in viewcontroller1 and viewcontroller2. Source: Tips4all

Custom iPhone camera controls (not using UIImagePickerController)

While I understand that in order for an iPhone application to be accepted on the App Store, one requirement is that only documented libraries are to be used. If this is the case, how are certain applications such as "Night Camera" and "Camera Plus" using a camera control that seems to be something other than the one contained within UIImagePickerController? I have heard of certain cases where a developer has been given "special" access to certain headers that allow for features that would otherwise be impossible if constrained to only using documented libraries. However, given how opaque the application selection process is for the App Store, I would prefer to stick to what is recommended rather than take my chances. Anyone care to shed some more light on this? Source: Tips4all

Changing the size of the UISearchBar TextField?

I have a UITableView with an Index on the side; I want to add a UISearchBar to it, but the index overlaps with the "x" to clear the search. I've noticed in the Contacts application, the textfield within the UISearchBar is resized to accommodate this, but I can't work out how to do this in my own app. I have tried the following in my viewDidLoad, but it does not seem to work. UITextField * textField = (UITextField *)[[ subviews] objectAtIndex:0]; CGRect r = textField.frame; [textField setFrame:CGRectMake(r.origin.x, r.origin.y, r.size.height, r.size.width-30)]; Any ideas? Source: Tips4all

Add an SQLite database to an iPhone app

I am trying to learn SQLite, and I am building an iPhone app. But I would like to add an SQLite database to my building app. I have got three tutorials, but I am not clear on that code. How can I add an SQLite database to my building app? What would sample code look like? Source: Tips4all

Is there a library for iPhone to work with HMAC-SHA-1 encoding

For all operation with Amazon services(S3, EC2, SimpleDB) You need to sign all resquest with HMAC-SHA-1 Signature( , ). I'm working under backend and there is no problems. Problem is in the iPhone application. iPhone developer says that there is no way to use HMAC-SHA-1 encoding, and he have no rigths to implement his own algorithm. As programmer I cannot understand why there can be a problem. So I want too know is iPhone developer right? I've never coded for iPhone, so I don't even where to search such an information. Source: Tips4all

Hiding UITabBar when pushing a UIView

I have a UITabBarController where the default view controller is a UINavigationController . I want to be able to hide the UITabBar of the UITabBarController when I push a certain view in the UINavigationController . I've tried adding: delegate.tabBarController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES; in my UINavigationController before I push the view, but that doesn't seem to do the trick. Any tips on what I should be doing or if it's even possible? Thanks in advance! Source: Tips4all